Marching Health

A Guide to Shin Splints: The Most Frustrating Injury in Drum Corps

Most of us have probably heard of, had, or know someone that has had shin splints but what exactly are shin splints? More importantly, how do we deal with shin splints – especially in the marching arts setting where we may not have time to sit out for a few days and rest? These are … Read more

WGI Bootcamp: How to Get In Shape for WGI

It’s that time of the year – WGI season is starting!! As you’re leaving your audition camp you quickly realize how intense WGI can be-and how you need to start working on getting in shape immediately. Maybe you’ve come to the conclusion that running for 30 minutes straight just isn’t your thing, but you do … Read more

5 Quick Meals to Help You Recover After Rehearsal

Does your stomach feel like it’s churning in knots or eating itself following an after school rehearsal or weekend competition? Fortunately, you are probably just hungry after expending so much energy! Believe it or not, you stomach is always moving to break down food in order to use its multiple energy forms. When eating within … Read more

Body By Drum Corps: A guide to reaching a healthy body-weight after tour

Did you get home two weeks ago, step on the scale and realize you lost weight this summer – a SCARY amount of weight?? Many of us on tour lose weight, but some of us lose a significant amount of weight. Those of us who do reach this incredibly low weight tend to try to … Read more

Hydrate, Don’t Die-drate: 7 Tips for Staying Hydrated and Beating the Heat

Ever feel tired, lightheaded, or sick to your stomach during rehearsal? Believe it or not, you may just be dehydrated! Dehydration is one of the biggest problems we face during the summer months. If left untreated, members may experience heat exhaustion or even heat stroke, one of the top causes of death in high school … Read more

The Top 6 Conditioning Mistakes Every Marching Band Makes

“Go run!” “Get with a partner and stretch.” “If you messed up that rep you should be doing PUSH-UPS!!” Do these phrases bring back painful band camp memories of brutal amounts of running and pointless stretches? These concepts have been repeated since groups still marched timpani and the American Legion was a primary sponsor of … Read more

9 Snacks to Fill Any Bus Box

The Bus Box, possibly the most important square foot of personal space you will have this summer, must be packed with purpose and care. This box will contain the high-value snacks that become part of your pre-show rituals. Like professional athletes, what you put in your body before your performance will play a role in … Read more

Top 10 Shoes for DCI 2018

As a drum corps member, your feet are your most important tool! They keep you moving through the summer both on and off the field. But you get to the store and there are so many choices! Blue vs yellow. Heavy vs light. Cushioned vs firm. To give you a jumpstart we have compiled a … Read more

5 Ways to Avoid WGI Burnout

It is mid-March and we are in the heat of WGI competition. At this point in the season, most of us are exhausted. Responsibilities during the week are overbearing, weekends are not restful, and the pressure to continually improve your performance can make you feel like you’ve hit a plateau. Most performers venture down one … Read more

3 Essential Dynamic Warm-up Exercises for Every Rehearsal

I apologize. Last blog I told you there was a problem with how most bands warm up (static stretching), but I did not offer specific solutions. After receiving many messages and emails, I realize that needs to change. I want to give you three exercises that you can implement today to help your program warm-up … Read more